Hello Dear Friends,
As the snowflakes fall I have been cozied up inside by the fire updating the website with all of the new seed varieties, new herbal seed blends, and reimagining seed collections. Alongside this work has been the weight of grief. My husband’s older brother passed away suddenly last week. He was too young. He left behind a family who loves him dearly, his wife of over twenty five years, and two wonderful children who were his world. We are deeply mourning his absence and we are forever changed by this loss. If you too are grieving the loss of a loved one this holiday season I see you and hold you and join hands in your circle with our heads bowed, tears falling, memories alive with those passed on.
As I sip tea and relive the summer in photos on the screen and seeds in my hands I know that the cycles of the earth hold me. As the last leaves of Autumn drift downward followed by the snowflakes, my sadness feels heavy. But I know that through the generative darkness of the coming Winter new life lies in waiting. I will plant a memorial garden this Spring for those in my life and in yours who have passed. I am not sure what plants will grow there yet but the space is beginning to have shape and focus in my imagination.
If you are also tapping into what you imagine for the coming year and what you may desire to grow in yourself, in your gardens, or in your community, I invite you to peruse the newest seed, tea, and gift offerings from the farm. I just finished updating the website with new herbal tea blends, new seed gift collections, and all of the new seed varieties that thrived in the 2022 growing season. You’ll find over 20 new annual flower varieties as well as 10 additional perennial herbs and flowers, and a smattering of new vegetable seeds.
My experiences and learning continue to shape me and my offerings. This season I was introduced to the world of Botanical Dying by my friend Monica Wilson and I'm incredibly inspired and committed to do more of this plant magic. If you are curious or experienced in the alchemy of plant based dyes, I put together a seed collection to help you on your path. Monica and I are also selling a Bundle Dye Kit so keep your eyes out for that on social media. This year I also dove deep into the world of energetic herbalism with the Now and Then Herb School and am working toward deepening my relationship with plants as beings, friends, allies, and nurturers of my body systems. This learning has impacted my tea blending and I hope that you find nourishment in what I have to offer this year.
You can find me with seeds, teas, and gift collections in person, along with over 15 incredible artists on December 10th and 11th at the Old Chaser Farm Holiday Bazaar from 10-4. There will be art, clothing, herbal products, food (hopefully homegrown oysters!) by Matt Dillon, Dragon’s Head Cider, and wreaths by Brita Fisher. The address 10308 SW 204th St, Vashon Island. Stop by and say hello if you can.
For your holiday shopping I will immediately ship all orders up until Friday December 16th. Feel free to continue to order but I will be taking a break and will resume shipping Tuesday January 10th.
Be well. Make meaning. Give the gift of presence. Hold each other when you feel the absence.