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Orca Bush Dry Bean

Orca Bush Dry Bean


Phaseolus vulgaris


Black and white speckled dry bush bean called Orca after the iconic and endangered whale.   Flavor is rich and creamy when cooked.  Enjoy in a stew or make a pot of beans!  Black and white do make grey so be aware that the color does not stay when cooked.  Bush Habit- grows to 2’ or so and dries down mid September.  Thresh with a group of friends while you scheme and plan action about how to make the earth a healthy place for our Salish Sea orca pods.  Breach the Lower Snake River Dams! 

25% of the sales of these beans will go to Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment. and their efforts to reclaim Treaty rights in order to restore a culture of protection to the ecosystem of the Snake River.


Direct sow when soils have warmed in early May.  Thin to 4"  Harvest when pods are dry and crispy in September. 85 days to maturity. 


Packet contains ~ 40 seeds



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